ALMA’s breakthrough: Uncovering dark matter’s fine-scale fingerprint, validating cold dark matter theories.
Latest in Dark Matter
Aalto UniversityAstrophysicsDark MatterParticle PhysicsQuantum MechanicsSciTech NewsSpace
The Quantum Endeavor to Uncover Dark Matter’s Enigmatic Axion Particle
The Quantum Endeavor to Uncover Dark Matter’s Enigmatic Axion ParticleThe DarkQuantum alliance, which consists of international academic bodies, is harnessing …
AstronomyAstrophysicsDark MatterEuclid MissionEuropean Space AgencySciTech NewsSpace
Decoding the Universe’s Enigmas: Euclid Mission Moves Ahead with Revised Strategies
by Klaus Müllerby Klaus MüllerDecoding the Universe’s Enigmas: Euclid Mission Moves Ahead with Revised Strategies Overview of the Euclid Mission The Euclid mission, supported…
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Altered Shape of the Milky Way: The Role of Dark Matter and Galactic Interactions According to Harvard Astronomers
Harvard astronomers assert that the Milky Way’s warped shape is due to an irregular dark matter halo. Their findings offer …
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“Reducing Radioactivity: Ultra-Pure Cables for Enhanced Physics Experiments”
Unlocking cosmic mysteries with ultra-pure cables: A breakthrough for physics experiments and quantum computing.
AstrophysicsDark MatterForschungszentrum JuelichParticle PhysicsSciTech NewsSpace
Exploring Novel Approaches in the Quest for Dark Matter
Exploring Innovative Methods in the Search for Elusive Dark Matter – JEDI Collaboration’s Pioneering Research.
AstronomyAstrophysicsDark MatterSciTech NewsSpace
Assessing the Universe’s Components: A Comprehensive Quantification of Matter, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy
Researchers quantify the universe’s composition, finding that 31% is matter. Using advanced methods like spectroscopy and computational simulations, the study …
AstrophysicsDark MatterParticle PhysicsSciTech NewsSpaceUniversity Of Adelaide
Exploring Dark Photons: A Potential Solution to the Enigma of Dark Matter?
Exploring the elusive nature of dark matter, an international team of scientists, led by experts at the University of Adelaide, …
AstrophysicsCosmologyDark EnergyDark MatterGeneral RelativitySciTech NewsSpaceUniversity Of Michigan
Cosmic Structures’ Growth Rate Defies Einstein’s Predictions, Dark Energy’s Dominance Explored
Title: Cosmic Structures’ Growth Rate Defies Einstein’s Predictions, Dark Energy’s Dominance ExploredIn a groundbreaking revelation, scientists have unveiled a surprising …
AstronomyAstrophysicsDark MatterGravitySciTech NewsSISSASpace
Revisiting Einstein – Recent Research Indicates Non-Local Interactions Between Dark Matter and Gravity
by Amir Husseinby Amir HusseinA recent SISSA study challenges conventional theories by suggesting that dark matter interacts with gravity in a non-local manner. Utilizing …