This article discusses the advancement in on-chip optical communication through quantum well nanowire array micro-LEDs. Researchers demonstrate these LEDs as …
Latest in Nanophotonics
De GruyterNanophotonicsOpticsPhotonicsSciTech News
Accelerating Beyond Current Understanding: Photonic Time Crystals Set to Transform Optics
Scientists have generated photonic time crystals near visible light, challenging current theories on refractive index oscillations. This advancement could revolutionize …
Chinese Academy of SciencesOpticsPhotonicsSciTech NewsUniversities
Advancing Nanophotonics: Disrupting Symmetry to Activate Polaritons
Unveiling Nanoscale Polariton Control: Disrupting Symmetry for Enhanced Propagation in High-Symmetry Crystals.
DiamondsMagnetic FieldsNanophotonicsOpticsPhotonicsPhysicsSciTech NewsSensor
The Decline of Diamond: Emergence of hBN as the Forefront Material in Quantum Applications
by Manuel Costaby Manuel CostaDiamond’s dominance in quantum sensing is challenged by hBN’s potential, as TMOS researchers discover methods to stabilize its atomic defects.
Materials ScienceMechanical EngineeringNanophotonicsNanotechnologyPhotonicsPhysicsSciTech NewsUniversity Of Virginia
Revolutionary Progress: Decoding the Science of Real-World “Freeze Ray” Technology for the Air Force
by Amir Husseinby Amir HusseinProfessor Hopkins and team are developing a freeze ray to cool overheating spacecraft electronics using plasma, funded by a U.S. …