Advancements in Rechargeable Battery Technology Through Laser-Enhanced MXene Electrodes

by Tatsuya Nakamura
laser-enhanced MXene

Scientists at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) have made considerable progress in the area of renewable energy storage by employing laser pulses to optimize the properties of an electrode material known as MXene. The conventional MXene material tends to degrade in performance over extended periods, primarily because of the occurrence of molybdenum oxide. Nonetheless, the incorporation of laser-fabricated nanodots into the MXene structure led to a significant improvement in lithium-ion storage and accelerated charging rates. During evaluations, the modified material displayed a four-fold increase in storage capacity, comparable to graphite, with no discernable reduction in capacity.

The utilization of laser pulses for the modification of MXene’s electrode characteristics presents a prospective breakthrough in rechargeable battery technologies, potentially outperforming standard lithium-ion batteries.

In the context of a global transition toward renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind, the need for high-performance rechargeable batteries is growing increasingly urgent. These storage solutions are indispensable for harnessing energy from fluctuating renewable resources. While existing lithium-ion batteries are efficient, they are far from optimized. The innovation of new electrode materials could significantly enhance their efficiency.

Zahra Bayhan is at the forefront of research focused on batteries that incorporate MXenes, which could serve as a viable alternative to graphite in certain batteries due to its superior conductivity. Credit: © 2023 KAUST; Anastasia Serin

MXene: An Electrode Material with High Potential

KAUST researchers have demonstrated that laser pulses can effectively alter the structure of MXene, thereby enhancing its energy storage capabilities and other critical attributes. They envision this technique could contribute to the creation of improved anode materials in future battery technologies.

Unlike graphite, which consists of flat carbon atom layers, MXenes contain layers made from transition metals like titanium or molybdenum, bonded to either carbon or nitrogen atoms. These transition metals make MXenes highly conductive. The layers of the material also include additional atoms like oxygen or fluorine. MXenes made from molybdenum carbide show excellent lithium storage ability, but their performance declines due to repeated charging and discharging.

Addressing the Challenge of Performance Decline

The research team, headed by Husam N. Alshareef and doctoral student Zahra Bayhan, identified that the performance degradation is triggered by a chemical transformation, leading to the formation of molybdenum oxide within the MXene structure.

To counter this issue, infrared laser pulses were deployed to form minute molybdenum carbide “nanodots” within the MXene layers, a technique referred to as laser scribing. These nanodots, roughly 10 nanometers in width, were interconnected with the MXene layers via carbon-based materials.

This intervention offers multiple advantages. Firstly, the nanodots augment the lithium storage capacity and quicken the charging and discharging cycles. The laser treatment also diminishes the material’s oxygen content, thereby mitigating the creation of detrimental molybdenum oxide. Lastly, robust connections between the nanodots and MXene layers enhance the material’s overall conductivity and stabilize its structure during energy cycling. “This is a time-efficient and cost-effective method to optimize battery performance,” states Bayhan.

Implications and Future Directions

When subjected to tests in a lithium-ion battery across 1,000 charge-discharge cycles, the laser-scribed anode material displayed a four-fold amplification in electrical storage capacity relative to its unmodified counterpart, almost attaining the theoretical peak capacity of graphite. Importantly, this modified material maintained its full capacity throughout the testing process.

The researchers posit that the laser scribing technique could be universally applied to enhance the properties of other MXenes, paving the way for the development of the next generation of rechargeable batteries that may rely on metals more abundant and less expensive than lithium. “MXenes have the additional capability of intercalating ions like sodium and potassium,” notes Alshareef.

Reference: “A Laser-Induced Mo2CTx MXene Hybrid Anode for High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries” by Zahra Bayhan, Jehad K. El-Demellawi, Jian Yin, Yusuf Khan, Yongjiu Lei, Eman Alhajji, Qingxiao Wang, Mohamed N. Hedhili, and Husam N. Alshareef, published on May 14, 2023, in the journal Small.
DOI: 10.1002/smll.202208253

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about laser-enhanced MXene

What is the main focus of the research conducted by KAUST researchers?

The primary focus is on advancing rechargeable battery technology by enhancing the properties of an electrode material known as MXene. The researchers employed laser pulses to modify MXene, leading to significant improvements in lithium-ion storage and charging speed.

What is MXene and why is it significant in this research?

MXene is an electrode material composed of layers of transition metals bonded to carbon or nitrogen atoms. It is significant because it is a promising alternative to graphite in rechargeable batteries, offering high conductivity and excellent lithium storage capacity.

How does the modified MXene differ from traditional MXene?

The modified MXene incorporates laser-fabricated nanodots, which provide additional lithium storage capacity and speed up the charging and discharging process. Additionally, the laser treatment reduces the material’s oxygen content, mitigating the formation of detrimental molybdenum oxide.

What problem does the research aim to address?

The research aims to solve the performance degradation issue commonly observed in traditional MXene. This degradation is mainly due to the formation of molybdenum oxide, which hinders the material’s effectiveness in energy storage.

How was the performance of the modified MXene tested?

The laser-modified MXene was subjected to 1,000 charge-discharge cycles in a lithium-ion battery. The material displayed a four-fold increase in electrical storage capacity compared to unaltered MXene and maintained its full capacity throughout the testing phase.

Could the laser modification technique be applied to other materials?

Yes, the researchers believe that the laser scribing technique could be universally applied to improve the properties of other MXenes, potentially leading to a new generation of rechargeable batteries using metals more abundant and less expensive than lithium.

What are the future implications of this research?

The findings suggest that laser-enhanced MXene could be pivotal in developing next-generation rechargeable batteries with higher capacity and faster charging times. This is particularly critical as the demand for high-performance batteries is rising due to the global shift toward renewable energy sources.

Who led the research team at KAUST?

The research team was led by Husam N. Alshareef and Ph.D. student Zahra Bayhan. They were instrumental in identifying the performance degradation issues in traditional MXene and developing the laser scribing technique to address them.

What is the published reference for this research?

The research is published under the title “A Laser-Induced Mo2CTx MXene Hybrid Anode for High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries” by Zahra Bayhan, Jehad K. El-Demellawi, Jian Yin, Yusuf Khan, Yongjiu Lei, Eman Alhajji, Qingxiao Wang, Mohamed N. Hedhili, and Husam N. Alshareef, on May 14, 2023, in the journal Small. The DOI is 10.1002/smll.202208253.

More about laser-enhanced MXene


JaneSmith September 22, 2023 - 12:59 pm

It’s about time someone took battery tech to the next level. seriously, my phone’s always dying on me when I need it most. If these KAUST folks can pull this off, they’re heroes in my book.

CarFanatic September 22, 2023 - 1:50 pm

Faster charging and more storage? sign me up! Can’t wait to see how this impacts electric vehicles. The future looks bright, or should I say, fully charged.

EcoWarrior September 22, 2023 - 8:22 pm

Renewable energy is the future, no doubt. So this kinda research is like a double whammy. Not only does it make batteries better, but it supports cleaner energy too.

JohnDoe September 23, 2023 - 1:45 am

Wow, this is groundbreaking stuff! Who’d have thought lasers could be used to improve battery tech. Just shows you, science has ways to surprise us.

SciLover September 23, 2023 - 6:59 am

Zahra Bayhan and Professor Husam Alshareef are the real MVPs. Scientific breakthroughs like this don’t happen every day. Kudos to the whole team.

FinancialGuru September 23, 2023 - 7:37 am

Imagine the market implications here. Companies that invest in this tech early on are gonna make a killing. Its a goldmine waiting to be tapped.

TechGeek September 23, 2023 - 7:57 am

laser-scribed MXene, huh? Sounds like something straight outta sci-fi. But if it’s gonna get us next-gen batteries, I’m all in.

GreenActivist September 23, 2023 - 8:30 am

This is what I call innovation. Hope it’s not just hype and actually gets to market soon. The world needs this, like yesterday!


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