Stanford Medicine’s trial shows deep-brain stimulation significantly improves cognitive functions in brain injury patients.
Latest in Stanford University
DepressionMedicineMental HealthPsychedelicsSciTech NewsStanford University
Reinterpretation of Stanford Research Reveals Unexpected Role of Placebo in Ketamine’s Depression Treatment
Stanford Medicine researchers reveal that both ketamine and placebo treatments significantly reduce depression symptoms, highlighting the role of positive expectations …
Artificial IntelligenceGoogleQuantum ComputingSciTech NewsStanford UniversityTechnology
Unveiling a Novel Quantum Teleportation Mechanism by Google and Stanford Researchers
by Klaus Müllerby Klaus MüllerResearchers from Google Quantum AI and Stanford University have made a landmark discovery in quantum mechanics, identifying a measurement-induced phase …
AgingDiabetesMetabolismSciTech NewsStanford University
Stanford Scientists Uncover New Indicators of Health, Disease, and Aging
In-depth study reveals how the human lipidome impacts health, disease, and aging, offering potential for medical advancements.
AgingBiologyEnzymeNerve CellsSanford-Burnham Medical Research InstituteSciTech NewsStanford University
Accelerated Nerve Recovery: Targeting an Age-Related Enzyme for Nerve Repair
Researchers at Stanford University and Sanford Burnham Prebys reveal a novel approach to accelerate peripheral nerve healing by inhibiting an …
GoldSciTech NewsStanford University
Novel Gold Compound: Stanford Researchers Discover Unique Chemical Phase in Innovative Material
by Klaus Müllerby Klaus MüllerStanford researchers engineer a unique form of gold, Au2+, stabilized by halide perovskite, with promising applications in electronics and energy …
BiologyCell BiologyCellsGeneticsGutSciTech NewsStanford University
Stanford Scientists Discover Cellular “Neighborhoods” in Our Gut
Pioneering Research Maps Cellular Communities in Human Gut, Unveiling Microscopic Complexity.
BiomechanicsMedicineNeurosciencePerceptionSciTech NewsSkinStanford University
Stanford Research Unveils the Science of Skin Tightness Following Facial Cleansing
Stanford University’s study elucidates the neurological mechanisms causing skin tightness after using facial cleansers and moisturizers. The research opens new …
BiodiversityConservationExtinctionSciTech NewsStanford University
Human-Induced Mass Extinction Severely Dismantles Life’s Evolutionary Network
This article delves into the accelerating extinction rates of vertebrate species and entire genera due to human activities, termed as …
Biomedical EngineeringRegenerationSciTech NewsStanford University
Decoding the Mystery of Regeneration: A Study by Stanford Researchers
Decoding the Mystery of Regeneration: A Study by Stanford ResearchersWhen an injury takes place in a variety of organisms, it …