Rediscovered 1940s antibiotic, Nourseothricin, shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria, following enhanced purification techniques.
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Boston UniversityBrainHarvard Medical SchoolMedicineNeurologySciTech NewsSports MedicineUniversities
New Study Challenges Beliefs: Head Impacts, Not Concussions, Drive CTE in Football
Groundbreaking study reveals cumulative head impacts, not concussions, drive CTE in football. Playbook to prevent CTE in players may be …
BrainHarvard Medical SchoolNeurosciencePopularPsychiatrySciTech News
Harvard Study: Face Blindness is More Common Than You Think
Researchers at Harvard Medical School and VA Boston Healthcare System did a study on people with face blindness. They found…
BacteriaBiomedical EngineeringBiotechnologyHarvard Medical SchoolSciTech News
How Scientists are Revolutionizing Biotechnology with Supercharged Bacteria and Immunity to Viral Infections
by Amir Husseinby Amir HusseinResearchers have figured out a way to make it safer to use and experiment with E. coli bacteria. They have…
Harvard Medical SchoolMiceNeuroscience
Uncovering the Bias Against Female Mice: Harvard Scientists Make the Case for Change in Neuroscience Research
It’s widely accepted that gender differences play an important role in neuroscience research. However, recent developments by Harvard scientists demonstrate…