Aarhus University

by Liam O'Connor
Aarhus University

Aarhus University is a public institution of higher education located in Denmark’s second-largest city, Aarhus. Founded in 1928, it was originally known as the Royal Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Jutland until its name changed to Aarhus University in 1939. Today, Aarhus University has grown into one of Europe’s leading research universities with over 35,000 students enrolled across seven faculties focused on arts and humanities; science and technology; health sciences; business and social sciences; law; theology; and educational studies.

In keeping with its commitment to interdisciplinary learning, unique degree programs are offered through collaboration between multiple faculties such as the iBSc (Integrated Bachelor’s Degree) program that combines engineering science with mathematics or economics. Through international student exchange programs such as Erasmus+, students can gain vital experience abroad while experiencing a different culture firsthand.

Research at Aarhus University is organized around six broad lines: life processes from molecules to ecosystems (LIFE); natural resources management for sustainable development (NRM); globalisation governance & innovation for society (GGIS); cultural history & heritage studies (CHS), information technology & communication systems (ITCS), and energy conversion technologies & materials engineering(ECTE). The university also hosts numerous research centers dedicated to advancing knowledge within specific fields including climate change adaptation, digital humanities, nanoscience, quantum computing etc. In 2017 alone more than 2200 active researchers were employed at the university working on various research projects funded by EU grants or other external sources.

The university provides an excellent environment for academic excellence due to its focus on first-class teaching quality combined with cutting edge facilities such as modern libraries equipped with latest technological advancements like 3D printers or robotics laboratories which provide hands-on training opportunities for students interested in exploring new technologies furthering their career prospects after graduation considerably.. Furthermore ,ArauhusUniversity also offers continuing education courses tailored particularly towards mature citizens wishing to pursue higher education without enrolling full time thus providing lifelong learning opportunities often unavailable elsewhere .

Finally , given its world class faculty members who have contributed significantly towards various pioneering researches conducted within many scientific disciplines , alongwith plethora of scholarly activities taking place across campus utilising state of art facilities available here makes this institution stand out among rest thereby making it one most sought after destinations amongst prospective students seeking professional degrees from some best institutes worldwide .

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