American Physiological Society

by Liam O'Connor
American Physiological Society

American Physiological Society (APS)
The American Physiological Society is a professional organization of scientists dedicated to advancing and promoting the physiological sciences. Founded in 1887, it is one of the oldest scientific societies in the United States. The APS has over 10,000 members worldwide, representing a variety of disciplines within physiology such as cell biology, biochemistry, genetics and disease mechanisms. The society’s mission is to foster education and research related to living systems at all levels; promote understanding of basic life processes; support excellence in teaching; provide professional development opportunities for its members; advocate for physiological research funding and training resources; inform public policy decisions on health issues related to physiology through advocacy efforts aimed at legislators and other decision makers; disseminate information about physiology through publications including journals, books, newsletters, symposia proceedings and websites.

The APS publishes several scientific journals that serve as leading sources for original research in the field. These include Advances in Physiology Education (APE), American Journal of Physiology-Cellular Physiology (AJP-CP), American Journal of Physiology-Heart & Circulatory System (AJP-HCS), American Journal of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology (AJRCMB), Frontiers In Cellular Neuroscience(FCN) , Integrative & Comparative Biology(ICB). Additionally they publish news magazines such as FASEB News Magazine which covers current advances from all areas within physiology relevant to a broader audience than just researchers.

In addition to publishing scientific literature APS also organizes numerous conferences throughout each year designed specifically for physiologists ranging from small topical meetings focused on specialized topics such as “Computational Approaches To Biological Modeling” or “Neurophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Pain Perception” to large scale events like Experimental Biology which attracts thousands participants from around world . These conferences attract outstanding researchers who present their work while learning new approaches as well as staying up with latest developments from fellow colleagues .

Furthermore ,APSociety provides grants aimed at fostering student careers by providing them with funds necessary for conducting their own experiments or attending conferences .This includes awards programs like Predoctoral Fellowships program ,postdoctoral fellowships program , travel awards program etc.. Moreover many volunteer committees are set up by APS that allow students an opportunity expand their knowledge base across different fields while contributing back towards society though activities such helping organize annual meeting or offering suggestions/advice regarding educational affairs amongst others . All this contributes significantly towards advancing science while aiding young scientists get started with their career paths

Overall ,the AmericanPhysiological Society plays a pivotal role not only providing invaluable resources but also organizing various platforms where people can come together exchange ideas discuss discoveries made thus far ultimately paving way towards further advancements within field

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