
by Liam O'Connor

Cattle are the most common type of livestock in the world, with over a billion animals alive at any given time. They are mammals of the family Bovidae and the subfamily Bovinae, and include cows, bulls, oxen, bison, buffalo, and many other related species. Cattle are herbivores that graze on grasses and other vegetation. They provide us with milk, meat, leather, and draft power.

The word “cattle” comes from Old English catel or catle, meaning property or chattel. The term is also used to describe certain other domesticated animals such as horses (equine), pigs (porcine), sheep (ovine), and goats (caprine).

The earliest evidence of cattle domestication dates back to around 8500 BCE in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East. Here they were used as draft animals for plowing fields and transporting goods. It is thought that early humans selected for tame individuals who were less likely to run away when approached by humans. Over time these tame cattle became more docile and trusting of people, eventually leading to full-blown domestication.

Today there are dozens of breeds of cattle around the world adapted to different climates and environments. Dairy cows produce milk for human consumption while beef cows are raised for their meat. Some breeds are better suited for draught work while others have been bred specifically for beef production.

Cattle husbandry is an important part of agriculture in many parts of the world. In addition to providing us with food and other products, cattle also play a role in cultural traditions such as bullfighting in Spain or rodeos in North America.

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