
by Liam O'Connor

Decision (noun)
The process of making a choice between two or more courses of action.

In the simplest terms, a decision is the act of choosing between two or more alternatives. The alternative that is chosen is usually referred to as the “decision” while the other options are known as “possibilities”.

A decision maker can be an individual person, a group of people, or an organization. A simple example of a decision would be whether to have pizza or Chinese food for dinner. A more complex example would be deciding which company to invest in.
When making a decision, there are a few things to consider:
– Objectives: What are you trying to achieve?
– Options: What are the possible courses of action?
– Constraints: What factors are limiting your options?
– Criteria: What standards will you use to evaluate the options?
– Decision makers: Who will be involved in making the final choice?

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