Hi C

by Liam O'Connor
Hi C

Hi C is a technique used to study the three-dimensional structure of chromosomes. It was developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley in 2007.

The Hi C technique is based on the fact that DNA strands are held together by hydrogen bonds. These bonds can be broken and reformed easily, which allows for the chromosomes to be moved around and rearranged during cell division.

By using a special type of microscope, scientists can see how these bonds are formed and broken. This information can then be used to create a map of the chromosome’s structure.

The Hi C technique has been used to study a variety of different topics, including: cancer, aging, evolution, and development. It has also been used to create more accurate models of genomes.

The Hi C technique is an important tool for understanding how genomes work. It will continue to be used in many different fields of research in the future.

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