Igr J17480 2446

by Liam O'Connor
Igr J17480 2446

Igr J17480-2446 is a neutron star that was discovered in 2010. It is located in the constellation Scorpius and is about 22,000 light years from Earth. The star is thought to be part of a binary system with another neutron star. Igr J17480-2446 has a mass of 1.4 times that of the Sun and a diameter of about 10 kilometers. It is one of the most massive neutron stars known. The star’s surface gravity is about 2×10^11 times that of Earth’s and its escape velocity is about 6×10^5 kilometers per second. Igr J17480-2446 is also one of the fastest spinning neutron stars known, with a rotation period of 3 milliseconds.

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