
by Liam O'Connor

Kenya is a country located in East Africa with a population of about 47.6 million people. The official languages are English and Swahili, although there are also many other local languages spoken. Kenya has a diverse range of landscapes, from the snow-capped Mount Kenya to the hot and arid North Eastern Province. The climate varies from tropical along the coast to temperate inland.

The economy of Kenya is largely based on agriculture, with around two-thirds of the population engaged in this sector. The main crops grown include maize, wheat, rice, sugar cane, coffee, tea and livestock. Tourism is also an important industry, with visitors coming to see the wildlife in the numerous national parks and reserves. Kenya is home to some of Africa’s most iconic animals such as lions, elephants and giraffes.

Kenya has a long history dating back to prehistory when it was inhabited by early humans. The first evidence of human settlement dates back over 1 million years ago! In more recent times, Kenya was colonized by the British during the late 19th century but gained independence in 1963. Since then, Kenya has experienced periods of political turmoil as well as economic growth. Today it is considered a middle-income country with a growing economy.

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