Nara Institute Of Science And Technology

by Liam O'Connor
Nara Institute Of Science And Technology

Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) is a public research university located in Nara, Japan. The institute was established in 1991 as the first national research institution dedicated to information science and technology in Japan. NAIST is a member of the World Association of Universities and Colleges (WAUC).

NAIST’s international reputation is based on its world-class research facilities and faculty. The institute has six main departments: Department of Information Science, Department of Biological Sciences, Department of Materials Science, Department of Precision Engineering, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, and Department of Applied Physics. NAIST also has a Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.

Research at NAIST covers a wide range of topics related to information science and technology, including computer science, artificial intelligence, software engineering, database systems, human-computer interaction, networking and security, multimedia systems, image processing, signal processing, sensors and actuators , microelectronics , nanotechnology , biocomputing , bioinformatics , computational neuroscience , medical informatics , environmental informatics , social informatics . In addition to its strong focus on fundamental research, NAIST also conducts applied research in cooperation with industry partners.

The institute offers undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of Information Science degree or the Bachelor of Biological Sciences degree. It also offers graduate programs leading to the Master’s degree or Doctoral degree in various fields related to information science and technology. Admission to NAIST is highly competitive; only the top students are accepted into the institute each year.

NAIST has partnerships with several other universities around the world; these partnerships allow for exchange programs between students as well as joint research projects between faculty members from different institutions. NAIST is also home to a number of international centers which provide support for international students and scholars coming to study at the institute.

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