
by Liam O'Connor

Palaeoanthropology is the study of early humans and their ancestors. It encompasses all aspects of human evolution, from our earliest beginnings to the emergence of modern Homo sapiens.

The field of palaeoanthropology is rich in fossil evidence, which has allowed us to piece together a detailed picture of human evolutionary history. This evidence comes in many forms, including bones, teeth, tools and other artefacts. It also comes from DNA – both ancient and modern – which can be used to reconstruct the family tree of all humankind.

The study of palaeoanthropology is important not only for understanding our own origins, but also for shedding light on the evolution of other animals – particularly our close relatives, the apes. By understanding where we came from, we can better understand who we are today.

There are many different research approaches within palaeoanthropology, including archaeology (the study of material remains), physiology (the study of how the body works), genetics (the study of heredity) and ecology (the study of how organisms interact with their environment).

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