Science China Press

by Liam O'Connor
Science China Press

Science China Press (SCP) is a leading academic publisher in China. It was established in 1980 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with the mission to disseminate high-quality scientific and technical information to researchers, academics, and professionals worldwide.

Since its inception, SCP has published over 60 000 articles in more than 1 200 journals and books, covering a wide range of disciplines including natural sciences, engineering, medical sciences, and social sciences. In recent years, SCP has been working closely with international partners to expand its global reach and impact. For example, SCP has entered into strategic alliances with Springer Nature and Wiley-Blackwell to jointly publish English-language journals. These partnerships have not only helped increase the visibility of SCP journals internationally but also enhanced the quality of our publications.

In addition to its publishing activities, SCP also runs several important academic programs such as the Science & Technology Review (STR), a monthly magazine that covers news and trends in science and technology; the Young Scientists Program (YSP), which provides training and mentorship for early-career scientists; and the Women in Science Program (WISP), which promotes gender equality in STEM fields.

SCP is committed to playing a leading role in communicating Chinese science to the world. We hope that through our efforts we can contribute to the advancement of science and technology globally for the benefit of all humanity.

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