
by Liam O'Connor

Subsea (also known as offshore or marine) is the branch of oceanography that deals with the study of the oceans and their phenomena below the surface of the water. It covers a wide range of topics from plate tectonics and ocean circulation to deep-sea ecology and biogeochemistry. Subsea research is conducted using a variety of methods, including observational, experimental, and theoretical approaches.

The field of subsea science has its roots in early seafaring and exploration. Throughout history, humans have been fascinated by the mysteries hidden beneath the waves, and many early explorers risked their lives in an attempt to uncover these secrets. In more recent times, advances in technology have allowed us to explore the oceans in ways that were once impossible. Today, subsea research is an important tool for understanding our planet and its climate.

submarine canyons are one of Earth’s most extreme environments. They are found all over the world’s oceans, but are especially common off the coasts of continents. These canyons can be up to several kilometers deep and hundreds of kilometers long. The steep walls of submarine canyons create a unique set of challenges for plants and animals that live there.

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