
by Liam O'Connor

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. It refers to the ability of an ecosystem to maintain its basic structure and function indefinitely. The concept of sustainability has been defined in many ways, but most often it is used to refer to the long-term viability of a system.

The term “sustainability” was first used in forestry in the late 18th century by German forester Hans Carl von Carlowitz, who introduced the idea of sustainable yield. The term entered the lexicon of environmentalism in the early 1970s with the publication of The Limits to Growth, a report commissioned by a club of wealthy industrialists called The Club of Rome. The report warned that if human consumption continued at its then-current rate, global resources would be exhausted within 100 years.

The word “sustainable” is now used so frequently that it has become almost meaningless. It is applied to everything from agriculture to architecture to tourism. In general, anything that can be said to be good for the environment or for future generations can be described as sustainable.

There are three main pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic. Environmental sustainability refers to practices that protect and conserve natural resources such as air, water, and soil. Social sustainability includes policies and practices that promote social justice and equity. Economic sustainability encompasses actions that ensure financial stability and prosperity over time.

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