Technical University Of Munich

by Liam O'Connor
Technical University Of Munich

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) (German: Technische Universität München) is a research university with campuses in Munich, Garching and Freising-Weihenstephan. It is a member of TU9, an incorporated society of the nine leading Institutes of Technology in Germany.

TUM’s main campus is located on Karlstrasse in central Munich. The university also has two satellite campuses; one in downtown Munich at Pinakotheken and one to the north-west at Weihenstephan. The Weihenstephan campus houses the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture and the Department for Food Science & Technology. With about 42,000 students(Fall 2020), it is the third-largest technical university in Germany. It has 553 professors, 3,814 academic staff members (including 432 professorships) as well as 1620 non-academic staff members. 31 Nobel laureates are affiliated with TUM, four of them being alumni or former researchers while the rest are honorary affiliates; over 80 Turing Award winners spent time at TUM, either as students or faculty; 14 Fields Medalists have studied or worked at TUM, making it the most awarded university per capita worldwide. Alumni include 19 Leibniz Prize winners, as well as numerous National Medal of Science and National Academy of Engineering laureates..

The University was founded by King Ludwig II on April 10th 1868 with the goal “to serve high culture” . In order to achieve this goal science and research were brought together under a single roof for the first time – thereby creating ideal conditions for innovative thinking. Following its foundation, TUM grew rapidly: By 1888 it already had 100 professorships, making it then already one of Europe’s largest universities. Today more than 170 years later, TUM remains true to its mission statement: As an entrepreneurial university we promote talents – regardless whether they want to realize their ideas in industry or academia after finishing their studies here. Research findings are converted into innovations quickly through close cooperation between scientists and companies – because excellent research alone does not suffice if its results do not find their way into practice soon enough! This requirement finds expression both inside our teaching programs which have been structured since 2011 according to so called “Profile Lines” reflecting societal challenges such as energy systems or digitalization – thereby preparing our students optimally for their professional lives – but also outside our walls where we cooperate closely with business partners from all over Bavaria within what is known as our “InnovationsAllianz”.
With around 600 patents registered annually (2019), revenues from licensing activities totaling some EUR 40 million (2018), more than 70 start-ups founded each year (average since 2010) and some 300 new inventions reported annually that can be used immediately by businesses – these figures speak volumes about how successful technology transfer works at TUM.(
But success requires even more: For us top performance means taking social responsibility seriously too! We stand up for equal opportunity and diversity because only talent should count – not gender, skin color or origin! Therefore half of our Board Members must be women pursuant to a self-commitment made by TUM back in 2006.( And we work hard every day towards meeting our ambitious climate protection targets set down in our Environmental Strategy 2030 which include becoming carbon neutral until 2050 at the latest!( So far we have been able reduce CO₂ emissions arising from electricity consumption by 30 percent compared to 2005 levels.( At present more than ever before internationalization plays an important role at German universities – also at Technical University of Munich: Currently almost 20 percent  of our approximately 42000 students come from abroad which corresponds to an increase by 50 percent compared to 2009 levels when international student numbers totaled around 13500.( Most come from China followed by India, Russia , Turkey , Italy , Austria , Switzerland , Poland , USA  and Spain . International cooperation agreements have been signed with 400 different partner institutions from 70 countries world wide.( These facts illustrate very clearly that Technical University Munich successfully meets today’s challenges–in line with its founding mission statement “to serve high culture”!

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