Thermal Imaging

by Liam O'Connor
Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging is a technology that uses infrared radiation to create an image of an object. It can be used to detect and measure the temperature of objects from a distance. Thermal imaging has a wide range of applications, including in medicine, security, and industrial inspection.

Thermal imaging cameras work by detecting the infrared radiation emitted by an object and converting it into an electrical signal. The signal is then processed to create an image of the object. The camera can also measure the temperature of the object by analyzing the intensity of the infrared radiation it emits.

Thermal imaging has many applications in medicine. It can be used to detect tumors, blood clots, and other abnormalities. Thermal imaging can also be used to monitor patients during surgery and anesthesia.

Thermal imaging is also used in security and surveillance applications. It can be used to detect intruders or identify potential threats. Thermal cameras are often used in night vision systems because they can see through darkness and smoke.

Industrial inspection is another common application for thermal imaging. Thermal cameras can be used to inspect equipment for hot spots or defects. They can also be used to monitor processes such as welding or casting.

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