Princeton researchers pioneer quantum repeater breakthrough, using atomic device for secure long-distance quantum connections.
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BacteriaCellsMolecular BiologyPrinceton UniversitySciTech NewsVirus
The Subtle Art of Viral Espionage: Understanding How Eavesdropping Viruses Engage in Battle to Infect Hosts
by Klaus Müllerby Klaus MüllerScientists discover how viruses eavesdrop on bacterial signals to switch from dormant to aggressive, altering their infection strategies.
AstronomyAstrophysicsMeteorsParker Solar ProbePrinceton UniversitySciTech NewsSpace
Princeton Researchers Reveal Violent Origins of Geminids Meteor Shower Using Parker Solar Probe Data
by Manuel Costaby Manuel CostaPrinceton researchers use Parker Solar Probe data to uncover violent origins of Geminids meteor shower, challenging traditional comet-based theories.
Brookhaven National LaboratoryDOEPhysicsPrinceton UniversityQuantum ComputingQubitsSciTech NewsSpectroscopySuperconduction
Enhancing Qubit Performance with Tantalum: Unveiling Quantum Enigmas
by Manuel Costaby Manuel CostaDiscover how tantalum, a superconducting metal, enhances qubit performance in quantum computers through decoding its chemical profile.
AstronomyAstrophysicsDark MatterPrinceton UniversitySciTech NewsSpace
Investigating Dark Matter with Hyper Suprime-Cam Reveals Discrepancy
by Manuel Costaby Manuel CostaInvestigating dark matter, researchers using Hyper Suprime-Cam uncover a discrepancy between present and early universe clumpiness, raising questions about cosmological …
EnergyEnvironmentHydrogenMethanePrinceton UniversitySciTech News
The Potential Long-Term Climate Consequences of Switching to Hydrogen Fuel
by Manuel Costaby Manuel CostaScientists at Princeton University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association found out that a chemical reaction in the air…