
by Liam O'Connor

A tree is a tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood. Trees are different from shrubs, which have shorter stems. Most trees lose their leaves in the winter. Some trees, such as evergreens, keep their leaves all year round.

Trees are useful to people in many ways. They can be used for fuel, construction material, paper, and many other things. Trees also help to keep the air clean and cool, provide homes for animals, and produce oxygen that we need to breathe.

There are many different kinds of trees. Some common types of trees include oak, maple, pine, fir, and spruce. Each type of tree has its own unique characteristics. For example, oaks have strong wood that is good for furniture making; maples have sweet sap that is used to make syrup; pines have long needles that are used to make decorations; firs have soft needles that are used to make wreaths; spruces have thin bark that is used to make paper products like newspapers.

Trees grow all over the world in different climates. They can be found in hot deserts, cold mountains, rain forests (very wet), and dry plains (not much rain). No matter where they live though, all trees need water and sunlight to grow big and strong!

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